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It’s a New Day!

January 20, 2009

yes, my fellow American citizens…we finally have ourselves a new president and a lot of people are excited, even me. you might not know this, but I’m a grad student at slu,and all of the members in the lab that I’m in huddled around the laptop to watch the festivities and President Obama’s speech.

in a word, terrific! I personally can’t forget all the horrible things that happened during the last eight years, but I’ll sure try to. It’s time to turn over and start a new chapter…for all my republican friends out there, give this guy a chance because he might actually work out (maybe 2 or 3 years). as for me, I “know” he is going to do well…of course, that’s what most liberals say right?

on to baseball; not much going on in the world of the cardinals. duncan and wellemeyer have resigned with the cards for another year while ankiel and ludwick will probably have cases that will go to an arbitrator.

in health news, pujols says he is 100% and ready to go. albert has a track record of being honest so I’ll believe him until I have enough evidence to come up with a conspiracy theory to say that he is not. he also does not want to talk about the contract extension yet and neither do I. moving on…

carp has started playing toss and says that he feels good and healthy. he says he’ll be ready on opening day. of course, that’s if everything goes smoothly and he does not face any setbacks. this season is riding on carp’s back whether the cards sign anyone or not, so if he is done, then so are the cards. let us all pray that he will be healthy and good for 25 starts or so…if so, the cards have a real chance at making the playoffs.

oh, almost forgot; the arbitation figures for ludwick and ankiela are in:

Ludwick asked for $4.25 million, and the Cardinals offered $2.8 million. Ankiel came in at $3.3 million against the Cardinals’ $2.35 million.

The gap between Ludwick and the Cardinals is one of the largest of the 46 players for whom numbers were submitted. The difference of $1.45 million was the sixth-greatest, as Ludwick asked for 51.8 percent more than the Cardinals offered — also sixth-largest. Ankiel’s differentials of $950,000 and 40.4 percent both landed roughly in the middle of the pack.

I don’t know how teams negotiate this type of thing, but that does not seem fair to me. you got way more production from ludwick than you did from ankiel, and the offer was only 450 thousand dollars difference between ryan’s and rick’s…smells fishy to me. how about 3.75 million for ludwick and 2.75 for slick rick…just sayin’.

well, that’s all I got; hopefully, something happens between now and when pitchers and catchers report so I have something to talk about.

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